"The Roadmap" to business success  



"Enabled broadband services to 500,000+ members, PROFITABLY”
Deal Facilitators
A large professional industry association approached CMP to understand how they could offer their members discounted broadband internet access as a benefit of their membership.

CMP has relationships with a number of broadband service providers.  CMP helped the association manage and evaluate the RFP process. 

Several mutually beneficial partnership arrangements were presented.  Now the association offers numerous discounted broadband service offerings to its members.  After the initial negotiations were concluded, CMP continued to be involved in the planning and development of the service. This included the planning and execution of a web portal and the provisioning of new services to the membership.  Total projected membership reach is 500,000 professionals.
Strategic Architecture and Systems Plan
A mid size telecommunicatinos company was in need of both an IT Architecture and a long range plan.

CMP was asked to lead the initiative until a CIO could be put in place.

A new Strategic ARchitectuer and Plan have been developed, approved and are being executed.

Executive IT Program Management Assistance
A top 5 systems integrator was engaged by a regional Telecom company to build a new IT platform and migrate 1.6m lines as part of a purchase from an incumbent provider.

The integrator requested a migration experienced CMP IT Executive to assist them in navigating this complex undertaking and to participae at the program level.

CMP provided relevant expertise and experience including navigating from "gotcha's" that have occurred in previous type engagements.

CMP - Capitol Management Partners • Copyright ©2004